Russia's Image in the Perception of Russian Writers Abroad the First Wave (Based on the Works of the Esseist Genres)

  • Viktoriya Zakharova Minin University, Nizhny Novgorod
Keywords: emigration; prose; essay; genre synthesis


This article seeks to address, which reflected the image of Russia in the genres related to essay in the prose of the Russian emigration of the first wave in the 20 – 30-ies; to relate the artistic vision of the artists with the emigrant religious-philosophical thought. It is proved how talented multi-faceted were the emigrant essays: its genre modifications differed in each case, the original artistic synthesis, caused by a deep interest in the substantive basis of national life, to the spiritual nature of Russian life. Sometimes article becomes deep philosophical works, diary entry – an important final reflection on the essential issues, preface to the play of historical and philosophical treatise about the national character. In this case includes other genre elements: actively promoted symbolic images, sounded the implied-associative motives, plot-function performs lyrical. Particularly important role played mythopoetics.
