Eda Ostrowska’s Little Dictionary of the Khakhlak Language

  • Anna Czapla The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: język chachłacki; Sławatycze; Eda Ostrowska


Eda Ostrowska’s little dictionary of the Khakhlak language is an article that presents the manuscripts donated to the Library of the Catholic University of Lublin by the author, in an arranged form along with a linguistic commentary. The most numerous group in the dictionary is constituted by nouns, and among them – terms denoting people, names of dishes, of clothes, parts of the body, plants and animals. Another considerably big group is made up by verbs and other parts of speech; there are much fewer phrases, sayings, curses and peculiar sentences heard in the language. The presented material, gathered by a person who was not a specialist and selected the material in a subjective way is characterized by a great emotional charge. The collected material shows a linguistic picture of the world characteristic of the borderland.


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