Tourism Discourse in the Dialogue between Cultures: Semiotic Analysis of the Language of Tourism Based on Spanish and Polish Text Corpus

  • Joanna Kudełko The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: tourism discourse; semiotic analysis; intercultural dialogue


Considering that the texts are part of the social events such as linguistic form of interaction, tourism as one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy in the world influence the way we perceive other(s) culture(s). It is the process of exploration of foreign cultures trough language. The intercultural dialogue that is set through the tourist language enriches not only tourist experiences but is a powerful instrument that creates more or less objective visions. One of the most popular channels of tourist communication is the tourist brochure. What is the structure and the linguistic traits of the brochure? In the present study, we will answer these questions based on a corpus selected of tourist brochures edited in Spanish version (original and translated from the Polish).


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