An episode of Spanish espionage during the North War of Independence (1776-1783)

  • Iago Gil Aguado National University of Distance Education
Keywords: Francisco Gil de Taboada y Lemos; Conde de Aranda; Conde de Floridablanca; Duque de Almodóvar del Río; Charles III of Spain; Spanish Navy; Royal Navy; French Navy; Dutch Navy; War of American Independence; naval intelligence and espionage; spying rings; Spain; France; Great Britain; Netherlands; copper-platting; carronades; 18thcentury


This article studies the espionage mission undertaken by the future Viceroy of Nueva Granada and Peru and Spanish Navy Minister Francisco Gil y Lemos to France and Britain in 1778-1780. The principal aim of this mission, ordered by the Count of Floridablanca, at the time Spanish Prime Minister, was to inquire into the relative naval strength of France and Britain, in order to determine whether it was in Spain's interest to join the American War of Independence. The article shows that thanks to Francisco Gil y Lemos, the Spanish Embassies in Paris and London and Spain's network of spies in England, the authorities in Madrid were able to obtain exceedingly precise information about the strength, preparedness and availability of supplies of the French and British navies. This information was to prove of crucial importance in determining Spain's entry into the war on the side of the future victors. This article not only provides novel information regarding naval and diplomatic espionage between the belligerent powers, but also about the naval preparations in the run-up and early stages of the conflict. Furthermore, it helps shed light on the decision-making process which led to Spain’s entry into the war, reveals the distrust which reigned between Paris and Madrid despite being bound by a treaty of alliance, and provides further proof of the intense political rivalry between the Count of Floridablanca and the Count of Aranda, at the time Spanish Ambassador in Paris.


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