„When a Hand Muddled Lines in the Shape of the Trynitarska Gate” , or about Józef Czechowicz’s Drawings

  • Maria Kowalczyk
Keywords: Czechowicz; drawing; illustration; poems; correspondence; postcards; folklore; Lublin


Among Józef Czechowicz’s works besides manuscripts and personal belongings we also find the poet’s drawings. Twenty-five ones dating from 1925-1929 have been preserved. Kept in a few different places they have not raised any interest and have not been studied yet. Most often made with pen and ink, they appear in the manuscripts of his literary works, they accompany his correspondence, they are examination theses, or they appear independently of any other works.

Illustrations of poems constitute the most numerous group. A close, and at the same time simple connection between the text and the graphic element occurs in them that refers to the content or the style of the poem. Either the whole poem or particular stanzas are illustrated. Another interesting group is made up by the poet’s drawings included in his correspondence.

Especially postcards made by Czechowicz himself deserve attention. Also sketches connected with the poet’s pedagogic work are interesting. The poet’s drawings are characterized by good visual taste, ease of the line, good proportions and compositions, a certain fineness and humor. They tell a lot about Czechowicz as a poet and as a man. They may be an interesting starting point for studies on self-illustration in literature.


Czechowicz J., Koń rydzy, Lublin 1990.

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Czechowicz J., Wybór poezji, red. T. Kłak, Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków 1970.

Czytanie Czechowicza, red. J. Próchniak, J. Kopciowski, Lublin 2003.

Gralewski W., Stalowa tęcza, Warszawa 1968.

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