“Gemitus vox magna futura”. Ovid’s Genological Awareness in Tristia
In the last book of Tristia the elegy in the Prologue presents the author’s awareness of the place of the collection he has just finished within the genre. Ovid juxtaposes it with the previous love elegy he wrote and with the love elegy of those times, and he reveals the constitutive elements of his new variation of the genre: first of all the dominating role of the subject of the poem who is identified with the creator of the presented world and with the author who is excluded from the literary life of those times. The distinctive situation of the lyrical statement motivates its style and composition based on the parallel of the subject and the tone and on the contrast of the past and the present. The sense of threat of his annihilation as a poet justifies the funeral metaphors and topic as well as the tone of lamentation, that in common awareness is associated with the archaic character of the genre that Ovid connects with the symbol of the flute. He is also aware of the continuity of the genre and hence he refers by name to representatives of the particular historical stages of its history. Following the Alexandrian scholars and Horace he talks about elegy in terms of the meter and according to the aptum rule he stresses the accordance of the subject matter with the threnodic tone. Referring to the primary form of the genre he develops the motif of auto-consolation. A personal confession of his exile experiences and the testimony of degrading circumstances add to the creation of protest and accusation. The authority of the many centuries of the genre convention gave the poet’s personal expression the power to affect the reader in many ages to come. This is why Tristia provide patronage to the modern elegy.
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