Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka’s Numerical Notation for Learning the Violin in Podhale: Understanding the Model
A numerical notation was recently published for the learning of fiddle melodies in the Podhale region. This work – containing material from the history of the region, as well as music writing and numerical notation – stands out, in that its author (Trebunia-Tutka) is a local musician. Why and for whom is he writing? As a teacher, he is writing first and foremost for learners of music. Thus, this publication offers an opportunity to reflect upon the relationship between writing and orality in Podhale music. Comparing recordings of performances with the numerical notation of the melody gives insights into the author’s own choices in writing, and allows for the distinguishing of standards in musical variations. Therefore, this analysis may shed some light on musical grammar. This paper explores the hypothesis that the numerical notation, as a simplified version of the melody, gives reason to think that its author has a “template” in mind (Lortat-Jacob 93-111).
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