Lüshi Chunqiu and the Value-Based Leadership Model in Ancient China
The paper presents an analysis of the concepts of leadership in the Lüshi Chunqiu, a 3rd century B.C. text which integrates elements of various schools of political thought of pre-imperial China and thus can be considered as representative of the period. The analysis uses the framework of value-based leadership (VBL) borrowed from modern organisational psychology and leadership studies. Ancient Chinese concepts of leadership are analysed using textual evidence from the Lüshi Chunqiu in three VBL dimensions: ethical, authentic, and servant leadership. The ideal leader in the Lüshi Chunqiu is not a tyrant, but a responsible, well-educated and humble person who perceives moral integrity as a necessary element of his rulership, exhibiting most of the qualities described in the modern VBL model. He is a credible role model, enjoying the strong support of the people and surrounded by virtuous and talented individuals, highly motivated to serve him. Such a leader advocates a long-term management perspective, and is strongly supportive of his subjects’ personal development. He gives plenty of space to open critique and the autonomous decisions of experts and sages to whom he delegates his power. In the Lüshi Chunqiu, such a VBL approach is considered far more effective in the long-term than transactional leadership or rule by force and coercion. Therefore, it is recommended in the text not only on moral, but also pragmatic grounds as a practical recipe for success, both for the ruler and for his country.
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