The Example of the Use of Life Table Parameters: Fertility and the Opportunity for Operation of Natural Selection in Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Life tables are theoretical constructions built on the basis of the age-at-death distribution of individuals for the stationary and stable population models, or with the use of the method of probability of death taking into account the population age structure. In this paper the possibilities of using life table parameters constructed on the basis of the distribution of the deceased and the value of population growth to estimate fertility indices and measures of the opportunity for natural selection through one of its components, differential mortality, are presented. The fertility indices estimated with the use of the above-method provide us with a picture of the reproductive potential (level) in a given population, and the method can be used in a situation when, for various reasons, it is not possible to reconstruct the reproductive history of families. On the other hand, the estimation of the strength of selection pressures offers a complete statistical picture of mortality in historical populations.
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