To the Military-Diplomatic Situation of One Coalition War in the Early XIX Century
This article discussed one of the difficult foreign and diplomatic episodes on the eve of Coalition War in 1805, including the desire of Alexander I bring Prussia into anti-French Coalition, without which the Allies could not hope for success. In historical literature it is stated that the stubborn desire of the Prussian king to maintain the policy of neutrality of Prussia was finally overcome by the confirmation of the alliance between Russia and Prussia during the visit of the Russian emperor in Berlin. But it is remained unknown, that the emperor considered as possible to overcome the Prussian neutrality by using force. Furthermore, to this end, it is assumed that the Russian army, regardless of the sovereignty of Prussia, at a certain moment would cross the borders of the kingdom. In the event of Prussian resistance, the invading army had to treat it as a hostile country. An analysis of the documents found in the Russian Empire Foreign Policy Archive suggests that the diplomatic situation was on the brink of a rift between the allies. In case off such development of the events, instead of Coalition war against France, an armed confrontation between its two key allies could have take place – such is the foreign policy reality of the situation in 1805. This situation ultimately led to the fact that Prussian King (although he made an alliance with Alexander I and moved his troops to the theater of future military operations) did not part in the war, and this is largely why this coalition was defeated.
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