In Search of a “Morally Outstanding Person”: The Evolution of the Author’s Ideal in the Writings Of Ivan Shmelev

Keywords: Shmelev, evolution, author’s ideal character, literary tradition, image of woman, believer


It is impossible to search Ivan Sergeyevich Shmelev’s artistic findings for a positive character without considering his previous literary experience, especially since the writer himself commented on the merits of Russian literature in depicting a perfect or close-to-perfect character. In order to describe the “morally outstanding person”, Shmelev trod an uneven path between being carried away by the images of idealistic revolutionaries and recognising the truth of Orthodoxy. Seeking out the fundamental principles in the idea of a perfect character, the writer turned to the national people element, believing that the spiritual principle was the dominant feature of the Russian character and the expression of the true aspirations and motivations of the “simple man”. The evolutionary nature of Shmelev’s high-principled artistic views were influenced by the interaction of his prose with the experiences of Dostoevsky and Chekhov. His literary journey and personal life naturally led the writer to portray the female character as the best focus for the features of the Russian soul and Christian values. The idea of spiritual guidance became the main, essential character feature in the writer’s last novel which reflected his innermost desire to “divinise” literature. This kind of idea opened up some special perspectives for Shmelev in a convincing simulation of the ideal character as a believer and churchgoer.


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