Introducing Taiwan Chinese Contemporary Short Stories in Poland: Cultural Contexts, Fields of Representation and Equivalence
This paper investigates basic issues related to the translation of Taiwanese literature in Poland. Assuming the Juliane House’s definitions that translation is “a cognitive procedure and a social, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural practice”, I discuss this matter theoretically and practically on three major levels pertaining to literature and communication between both languages and cultures. According to the system approach, the model is divided into: 1) Source/Taiwan literature; 2) Target/Polish reader; 3) Mediation/Translator and is imbued with reflection on representation, cultural and political context and equivalence in translation’s polysystem. In the practical dimension the analysis refers to a particular case, which is the preparation of the first Polish translation of Taiwanese Contemporary Short Stories. This article also reveals the decision-making process concerning the most representative selection of different genres, periods, stylistics, authors and messages. The anthology of contemporary Taiwanese short stories[1] debated here is being compiled from the perspective of translators, who are Sinologists teaching at the University of Warsaw. In line with the concepts of anthology theoreticians, this kind of academic edition with references and critical comment supports the Polish reader in the process of correct decoding of the text and many contexts of Taiwanese literature.
[1] In Polish: Na drugim brzegu. Antologia współczesnych opowiadań tajwańskich, red. Lidia Kasarełło, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2020 [On the Other Shore: Anthology of Contemporary Taiwanese Short Stories, ed. Lidia Kasarełło, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2020].
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