The Multilingualism of the Polish Community in Italy—Determinants of Polish-Italian-Neapolitan Trilingualism
This paper deals with the issue of the Polish-Italian-Napolitan trilingualism characteristic of the Polish community living in southern Italy. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the current state of the trilingualism in question, including the characteristics of the contexts of use of each language and the factors determining the code changes. The analyses were also directed at investigating the level of knowledge and the extent of use of the Neapolitan dialect by the young generation of Italians (age category 21-30). The research material was collected through questionnaires made available to the respondents online, and the research had the nature of a pilot study. The results of the study prove that all three language codes are used in the everyday life of multilinguals, and each of them has a specific meaning, particular functions, and occurs in different situational contexts. The statements of the respondents also indicate the contemporary use of dialect, which is increasingly used to emphasise the expressive character of speech, and due to its folkloric nature it is used in ludic and humorous contexts.
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