From Conference to Community... A Plea for Shifting the Focus of Interpreter Training in Small Language Combinations from Conference Interpreting to Interpreting in The Public Sector
This article illustrates the increasing interest in interpreting since the first Critical Link conference in 1995 which focused on the discipline of Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT), which is defined in Belgium as social interpreting. The shift in focus from conference interpreting to PSIT was a response to the need to integrate migrants and to support their participation in society. This article is a plea for the implementation of PSIT in the interpreting training of students of languages of lesser diffusion, including students of Dutch. After delineating the basic concepts of PSIT and describing the situation of PSIT in Central Europe, the PACI project, which provides inspiration for revising or supplementing the classical curricula of extramural Dutch Studies, with an additional training path for PSIT, is then presented.
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