Russia Abroad and the Establishment of the School of Slavonic Studies
This article is dedicated to the activities of Russia Abroad while The School of Slavonic Studies was coming into being (1915-1919). I propose that representatives of Russia Abroad played a pivotal role in the establishment of Russian Studies at The School of Slavonic Studies, which became the prevailing part of the curriculum. The teaching of the Russian language at King’s College London was part of the training of Oriental language specialists who took part in the exams for official positions in the Indian Civil Service, as well as in the British army. A radical change in the teaching of “Russian” and, more broadly, “Slavic” subjects occurred in 1915, when The School of Slavonic Studies was established at the college. During the formation of the School, the boundaries of the curriculum were outlined, the first teachers recruited, and classes and public lectures begun. Representatives of Russia Abroad, the most numerous of the teachers, turned out to be the most active figures of the new School, according to the results of their activities. Their valuable work at the School in the early years was overshadowed by Bernard Pares’ larger-scale projects.
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