The Celtic Languages in the Сравнительные Словари (1787–1789): An Introduction
In the 1780s, a multilingual dictionary was published in Saint Petersburg in the Russian Empire, under the editorship of the German Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811). As its title— Сравнительные Словари Всѣхъ Языковъ и Нарѣчiй [Comparative Vocabularies of all Languages and Dialects]—explains, it aimed to be a comparative dictionary of almost 300 headwords and numbers in Russian and their equivalents in 200 languages and dialects from all over Europe and Asia. Amongst these are five of the six Celtic languages—Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish and Breton, as well as an unknown “Celtic”—and this paper gives a brief overview of the background to the dictionary, and then focuses on the first 10 lexemes in each of the Celtic languages as they are presented in the dictionary itself, pointing out various inaccuracies, but also the historical value therein.
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