Early Italian Keyboard Concertos by Francesco Durante
Compositions for solo keyboard with orchestral accompaniment represent a separate subgenre of the instrumental concerto, with its history (based on preserved sources) having been traced back to the first half of the eighteenth century. This subgenre, associated mostly with German composers, was also being cultivated at that time in Italy, where some of the earliest keyboard concertos were those by Francesco Durante (1684–1755), who was active in Naples. So far, only his concerto in B-flat major has received any attention in the scholarly literature, while the two other incompletely preserved harpsichord concertos by this composer – in A major and C major – have been neglected by researchers. A study of all of these three pieces together reveals stylistic changes that took place in Italy during Bach’s and Haendel’s era, and at the same time provides some essential information on the compositional history and performance practices of the keyboard concerto.
Butt, John. „Towards a Genealogy of the Keyboard Concerto”. The Keyboard in Baroque Europe, red. Christopher Hogwood, Cambridge UP, 2003, ss. 93-110.
Costantini, Danilo, i Ausilia Magaudda. „Giacomo Francesco Milano Franco d’Aragona.” Sadie, t. 16, ss. 670.
Degrada, Francesco. „Appunti critici sui concerti di Francesco Durante”. Chigiana: Rassegna annuale di Studi musicologici, nr 4, 1967, ss. 145-165.
Dietz, Hanns-Bertold. „Francesco Durante”. Sadie, t. 7, ss. 739-745.
Freeman, Daniel E. „The Earliest Italian Keyboard Concertos”. The Journal of Musicology, nr 2, 1985-1986, ss. 121-145.
Harris, John M. A History of Music for Harpsichord or Piano and Orchestra. The Scarecrow Press, 2003.
Heller, Karl. „Das frühe Konzert für Tasteninstrumente in Italien und Deutschland.” Contributi musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’AMIS, nr 10, 1997, ss. 239-254.
Kolneder, Walter. „The Solo Concerto”. The New Oxford History of Music, red. Gerald Abraham, t. 6, Oxford UP, 1986, ss. 302-376.
Maunder, Richard. The Scoring of Baroque Concertos. The Boydell Press, 2004.
Sadie, Stanley, redaktor. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Wyd. 2, Oxford UP, 2001. 29 tomów.
Slatford, Rodney, i Alyn Shipton. „Double bass”. Sadie, t. 7, ss. 519-525.
Stowell, Robin. „Performance practice in the eighteenth-century concerto.” The Cambridge Companion to the Concerto, red. Simon P. Keefe, Cambridge UP, 2005, ss. 192-226.
Talbot, Michael. „The Concerto Allegro in the Early Eighteenth Century II.” Music and Letters, nr 2, 1971, ss. 159-172.
White, Chappell. From Vivaldi to Viotti. A History of the Early Classical Violin Concerto. Gordon and Breach, 1994.
Zanetti, Roberto. La musica italiana nel settecento, t. 2, Bramante Editrice, 1978, ss. 1095-1102.
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