Specific lexemes of the Gdańsk Bible’s New Testament (1632) in view of the lexis of the New Testament rendered by Jakub Wujek (1593)

Keywords: rendering of the Bible, the New Testament of the Gdańsk Bible (1632), the Jakub Wujek’s New Testament (1593), lexical intertextual relationship, specific lexis of a Bible rendering


The purpose of the paper is to examine to what extent so called specific lexis of the Gdańsk Bible’s New Testament (1632) rendered into Polish by the evangelical preacher Daniel Mikołajewski is dependent upon the lexis of the New Testament (1593) rendered by the Jesuit Jakub Wujek.

Specific lexemes of the Gdańsk Bible’s New Testament (1632) it the ones autosemantic entries of the lexicon of the Gdańsk rendering text, which did not occur either in the lexicon of the New Testament of the Brest Bible (1563) or in the lexicon of the Gdańsk New Testament (1606), the two earlier renderings of the evangelical tradition, as well as in the lexicon of the New Testament of the Bible rendered by the Jesuit Jakub Wujek (1599).

The analysis presented in the paper has led to the conclusion that the filial intertextual relationship between Daniel Mikołajewski’s evangelical rendering (1632) and the Catholic Jakub Wujek’s rendering (1593) in the terms of the specific lexis of the Gdańsk Bible’s New Testament should be considered as the one of relatively low importance but proved empirically.


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