Four elements in the medieval iconography of the Last Judgement? New iconographic interpretation of the mosaic of the western wall of basilica on Torcello island – part I
The article aims to present the issues concentrated on early medieval iconography of the four elements being an integral part of the scene of the Last Judgment. The selected problem was shown basing on the representation from the western wall of the Basilica of the Assumption of the Mary on the island of Torcello (Italy). The author poses a question about the possible occurrence and symbolic significance of the four elements in the abovementioned mosaic, comparing it with other representations of the Last Judgment from the same and the earlier period. Basing on a thorough iconographic analysis of the representation present in her earlier publications and the doctoral dissertation, the author presents a new interpretation hypothesis outlined by the presence of the iconography of the four elements as a symbol of the original act of creation in the Last Judgment.
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