Nagroda im. Franciszka Skowyry za rok akadem. 1986/87

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Stanisław Kowalczyk


The Research Institute of Polish Migration and Immigrant Pastoral Care has conferred for the sixth time the Franciszek Skowyra (1902-1978) award. This award was established in 1980 in the USA in commemoration of its founder − a prominent worker of the Peasant Party, soldier of the II World War, combatant for the independence of Poland and indefatigable advocate of preserving lasting ties between the Polish Community in America and KUL.

This award is conferred every year for conspicuous works written in KUL in the following fields: modern history − in particular the history of Polish political thought, folk movements, battles for independence and also the problems associated with Polonia and religion − in particular questions revealing the Church' and clergy's contribution to the development of the national culture, the struggle for Polish freedom and independence, for dignity and human rights.

Two books obtained prices this year. The award of the first degree was given to the collaborative work Polska teologia narodu, Lublin 1986 ed. Rev. prof. Czesław Stanisław Bartnik. Dr Jerzy Flaga's book Działalność duszpasterska zakonów w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku, also published by TN KUL, Lublin 1986 was awarded the third degree.

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