Inculturation and Charisma. Reflections on Unity in Diversity
The author’s, a Czech Salesian opening concept is the original effect of the God’s incarnation which had an impact on the history of Jewish nation. Christianity was injected into the specific socio-cultural stream of Hellenistic (Greek), Jewish thought. All three missionary actions were marked by being imbued with the current forms of thought and custom. In the 20th century this form of adaptation is called inculturation. This is to say that the Son of God was born into a specific socio-economic environment and not some abstract reality. This is the foundation of Christian faith in all cultures and movements known as “Young Churches.” The author, however expands this view of missionary concepts wider than that in Ad Gentes. In his article he explains the meaning of inculturation for the current and post-modern scenes. He also supports the concept for the sake of finding new “ways of life” deriving from the original idea to be applicable in other countries and continents.
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