Catechesis on the Last Judgment and the Sant'Agata dei Goti Fresco
Iconography stands out among the various forms of medieval catechesis. It illustrated the basic truths of the faith and encouraged people to live in accord with this teaching. One of the popular iconographic themes from this period was the Last Judgment. It was usually placed on the back wall of a church in order to remind people leaving the church of their final fate. Eschatological issues have always enjoyed great popularity because they personally relate to every man. In addition to the faithful's interest in eschatological contents, the reason for the creation of Last Judgment iconography was its visual form, accessible to everyone, even the least educated. One of these types of works is the fresco located in the city of Sant'Agata dei Goti in Italy, which is the subject of our analysis in this study. The main contents of the fresco and their form are discussed. The theological significance of individual iconographic elements and their compliance with the official teachings of the Church are pointed out. Summing up the analysis of the fresco, it can be stated that it was an important type of catechesis at that time, theologically correct and having significant pedagogical meaning.
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