Ordos and Directories of the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin

  • Jarosław R. Marczewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: ordo; directory; the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin


The Diocese of Chełm and Lublin was a complex phenomenon of the administrative and ecclesiastical nature, which appeared at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Its non-canonical but commonly used name was referred to the people and things that were linked to it. In this way, one can also speak about ordos and directories of the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin. So far the ordos and directories were known only to a limited extent. As it turns out, they were published over the whole time of the existence of the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin. The full set of their editions can be found in the library and archival institutions of Lublin.


Directorium officii divini pro diaecesi Cracoviensi iuxta rubricas breviarii et missalis Romani tam generales quam particulares ac decreta Sacrae Rituum Congregationis ad annum Domini MDCCXC secundum post embolismalem et bissextilem conscriptum per Illustrissimum Admodum Reverendissimum Thomam Mączyński canonicum Sancti Georgii vice-decanum ecclesiae cathedralis Cracoviensis, Cracoviae [b.r.wyd.] [1789].

Directorium officii divini pro diaecesi Hełmensi in annum Domini MDCCLXXXX secundum post bissextilem conscriptum in stemma Illustrissimi Excellentissimi et Reverendissimi Domini Mathiae Garnysz, [b.m.r.wyd.] [1789].

Directorium officii divini pro diaecesi Lublinensi in annum Christi bissextilem MDCCCVIII conscriptum sub authoritate Illustrissimi Excellentissimi et Reverendissimi Domini Adalberti Skarszewski, [b.m.r.wyd.] [1807].

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