Benignitas pastoralis in the Proclamation of the Word of God
Pope Francis addresses to the whole Church the appeal for pastoral conversion, involving the proclamation of the Gospel to all people yearning for the kindness and sensitivity of the Saviour. In the teaching of the Bishop of Rome, benignitas pastoralis plays an important role as a spirit of mercy and gentleness accompanying pastoral concern for sinners – the weak, the suffering and despairing. Pastoral gentleness should also shape the ministry of the word which continued to play a significant function in the saving mission of the Church. Because benignitas pastoralis was most fully expressed in the Incarnation of the Son of God, Jesus Christ and His earthly activity, it is why the task of preachers of the word of God is to prolong the mission of the Saviour, showing people the gentle and merciful face of God, bending solicitously over human weakness and proclaiming the message of salvation in a simple and comprehensible language. The presence of benignitas pastoralis in preaching makes it possible to reach the audience with the Gospel, discovering the true face of a merciful God, and find in His word a source of strength needed for their spiritual growth. So executed, the ministry of the word is opposed to Pelagianism, rigorism and permissiveness, because it points to the “primacy” of God's love which thus enables man to achieve the ideal of holiness according to the ideal of the Gospel.
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