Ġorġ Preca – A Champion of the Laity
St George Preca, a Maltese priest who lived between 1880 and 1962, was canonised in 2007. Preca dedicated himself to the teaching of the catechism in Malta. Being aware that he could not undertake this endeavour all by himself, he embarked on the project of teaching the catechism with lay people. This was not a simple task prior to Vatican Council II. Notwithstanding this, George Preca was able to overcome all obstacles and give lay people the front positions. This was something that Vatican Council II was to do some years after Preca's death. This paper seeks to show how Preca was a pioneer in the apostolate of the laity. This will be done by showing how Preca not only recognised the laity's right to the apostolate, but how he united them as a group for a far-reaching apostolate, which while remaining obedient to the hierarchy, had a very deep impact because they had an adequate formation for the apostolate.
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