Edith Stein’s Way to God vs Veritative Argument in Fundamental Theology

  • Henryk Ciereszko Archidiecezjalne Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Białymstoku
Keywords: veritative argument; argument out of truth; credibility of Christian Revelation; truth; Edith Stein


In the article I attempt to verify practically a veritative argument in Edith Stein's life. That argument serves to substantiate the credibility of Divine and Christian Revelation by pointing at God, the Ultimate Truth that explains the meaning of human life and of all that has existed, as the source of any truth. Edith Stein found God, the highest Truth, by examining the truth and searching the sense of existence in her life. She unravelled her destination, her eternal life in unity with God, through encountering Him. Her searching the Truth and God were marked by the process of reaching tha absolute Truth, God of Revelation, the process of which has been a part of veritative argument's structure. Thus, the experience of Edith Stein may have been classified as the practical verification of the above argument.


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