Ecological Spirituality as a new Approach to the Relationship of God, Man, and Nature
An article presents environmental issues of spirituality in their relationship to God, man and the environment on the basis of the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si'. The Pope took up the current and complicated issue, analysis of which is exposed to various forms of reductionism or ideologies. His view of ecological spirituality is based on the foundation of God the Creator, who gave the world the natural order and also created and shaped the hierarchy of beings. This premise protects against reductionist looking at the man and at the same time—before usurp his absolute power. On this foundation, the Holy Father could develop postulate of the contemplative perception of the world in which he discovers the creatures as objects to use, but above all he sees in them a gift and value given to the man. Such a deep vision can rediscover anew God as Creator and Father for the love of establishing the human world into existence. Thanks to the origin of coming from one Father, Christian sees in others, especially in the weakest and defenceless a brother with whom he has ties of solidarity and love. Finally, the world is seen not as a place of exploitation and prey, but as a mystery that leads to God and God is the full explanation of it. The deeper the mind enlightened by faith contemplates the world, the more he sees beauty and infinity of God. And at the same time more closely connects with God, the more the world reveals to him its beauty and close relationship with the Creator.
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