Church Reaction to Populism. Look From the Perspective of the Church in Poland

  • Jerzy Gocko The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Populism; Patriotism; Church in Poland; Letter on Patriotism; Migration Crisis


This article discusses the response of the Church in Poland to the phenomenon of populism, especially to the populist style of politics. The classification of the political opponents as the enemies treated as such and the aversion to strangers (migrants and refugees) are two characteristics of this style. The author analyses the letter of Polish bishops on the patriotism „The Christian form of patriotism” and the reaction of the Church in Poland to the contemporary migration crisis in Europe. The first part of the article shows the phenomenon of populism as a form of political discourse close to the demagogy. This article should be considered as an introduction to the very complex matter which requires further systematic consideration.


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