Hopes and Fears Ukrainian Students in Tertiary in Poland

  • Jacek Łukasiewicz University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin
  • Beata Paśnikowska
Keywords: hope; fear; education; foreign student


A growing number of Ukrainian students at Polish universities encourages to look at their expectations and attitudes. For this purpose, some studies were performed using a questionnaire constructed by the authors of the article. It concerned the hopes and fears of Ukrainian students entering education in Poland in relation to their gained education, relationships with others in the majority – foreigners, declared values, the degree of mastery of Polish language and the more distant life plans. The article also attempts to emphasize the psychological aspect of hopes and fears, and to draw attention to the educative and educational importance of hope.

Author Biography

Beata Paśnikowska

Beata Paśnikowska – Dom Pomocy Społecznej „Betania” w Lublinie


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