Rev. Doctor Tadeusz Śmiech’s Academic-Didactic Work

  • Jarosław Czerkawski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: catechesis; catechesis handbooks; catechisms


Rev. Tadeusz Śmiech was born on 27th October 1952 in Tempoczów situated in the area of the present Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, formerly the Kielce Voivodeship. His parents’ names were Józef and Adela. After completing primary school and then high school he entered the Seminary in Kielce. After taking holy orders he took up pastoral work. Then he finished special studies in France and at the Catholic University of Lublin. He worked at the Diocesan Curia in Kielce and at the Seminary, where he was the Director of the Catechesis Department. He is known as the author of the program of catechesis and of catechesis handbooks, the educator of many generations of religion teachers. Rev. Dr. Tadeusz Śmiech’s academic work was first of all concerned with catechesis. He gathered around himself many people who, like he, understood catechesis as being committed to serving the Gospel. People who cooperated tried to make sure that catechesis was conducted in the diocese in the best possible way. Ceaseless meetings, talks and consultations bore fruit in the form of specific works. After he finished his work at the Diocesan Curia in Kielce he was a priest in the Polish community in France, and then a parish priest in the Polish parish in Lyon. He appears as indefatigable in his priestly and didactic work consisting in constantly watching over the work of catechesis.


Krześniak-Firlej D., Firlej W., Kaleta A., Tadeusz Śmiech, w: Bibliografia piśmiennictwa profesorów Seminarium Kieleckiego 1727-2001. Księga Jublieuszowa, red. D. Krześniak-Firlej, W. Firlej, A. Kaleta, Kielce 2002, s. 454-458.

Cudzik T.. Śp. ks. Tadeusz Śmiech. Wspomnienia pośmiertne, „Kielecki Przegląd Diecezjalny” 89 (2013), nr 5, s. 510-513.
