Home Education and Catechesis. New Perspectives

  • Andrzej Kiciński The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: home education; the teaching of religion in schools; catechesis


Home education consists in undertaking the task of teaching and educating their children at home by the parents. With the approval of the appropriate institution of the educational system the parents realize the curriculum they draw up according to the needs and educational abilities of their children. The Commission of Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference that supervises the teaching of the Catholic religion in schools has issued the Communiqué concerning the teaching of religion in the extra-school system of home education. The document is a manifestation of pastoral care of children and youths who are schooled at home. The Catholic Church in Poland does not limit itself to confirming the parents’ rights to deciding about the form of education for their children, but it starts work consisting in opening new prospects and searching for proper planes of cooperation with families involved in home education, so that the process could bear fruit in the comprehensive formation of young Christians.


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