Theology Of God’s Mercy according to Pope Francis’ Bull Misericordiae Vultus
Pope Francis in the bull Misericordiae vultus encouraged to reflect on the meaning of God’s mercy in human history and the practice of Christian charity in life. According to the papal encouragement this article reflects on the content of the notion of God’s mercy. It focuses on these aspects which proved to be essential in the papal bull. The analyses performed are made from a theological perspective; they are therefore an attempt of interpretation, justification, and systematization of the content of the papal statements about mercy. They focus on three main themes present in the papal reflection: God’s mercy is being considered in trinitological, christological and ecclesiological aspects. Mercy comes from the inner life of the triune loving God. Addressed to the man and the world the love of God is experienced in the history of salvation as mercy remedying the deepest needs of the human being afflicted with sin. God’s mercy reached its full and perfect shape in the teaching and activity of Jesus Christ, especially in his cross and resurrection, which were ultimately the overcoming of human sin. God’s mercy lasts in the Church and reaches of the world through the Church. The Church is the more Christ’s, the more is the mercy of God. Teaching about God’s mercy, and above all the provision of charity to the needy is ‒ according to Pope Francis ‒ the criterion for the credibility of the Church towards the world.
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