Gaudium set spes as an Inspiration for the Pastoral Care of the Family in Poland

  • Bronisław Mierzwiński Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes; pastoral care of families; marriage; family; John Paul II


The Apostolic constitution Gaudium et spes of the Second Vatican Council indicates its pastoral nature. This document places the matter of marriage and family as the first one among the important problems of the modern world and dedicates a significant portion of its reflection to it (nos. 47-52). The author of this article makes the point that this part had an essential influence on the concept and activity of pastoral care of the family in Poland. The teaching of the Second Vatican Council on marriage and family was later authoritatively interpreted and developed in Papal documents: Paul VI (mainly in the encyclical letter Humanae vitae) and John Paul II (especially in the Apostolic exhortation Familiaris consortio, the encyclical letter Evangelium vitae, and Letter to the Families). Papal teaching has allowed the pastoral care of the family to deeper understand the message of the Second Vatican Council and to better incorporate it into everyday life. But it was easier to present the doctrine of the Catholic Church on marriage and family than to convince the youth, betrothed and married couples to apply it in life. The first paragraph of the article contains an analysis of the new aspects of the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on marriage and family, the second paragraph studies the part of the apostolic constitution Gaudier et spes, entitled De matrimonii dignitate and shows its implications in the pastoral care of the family in Poland.


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