Implications of the Postconcilar Mariology for the Catholic Spirituality in Poland

  • Marek Chmielewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: mariology; spirituality; spiritual life; mystical experience; mistologhy; sanctity; Divine Mercy; pilgrimage; sanctuary; Christian associations


Spirituality as a function of holiness and – as St. John Paul II teaches us – “life in Christ and `in the Spirit', which is accepted in faith, expressed in love and inspired by hope, and so becomes the daily life of the Church community” (EiAm 29), remains closely related to Mariology. This relationship has its methodological, content-doctrinal and practical implications.

In terms of methodological implications, there is a need for a wider opening up of spiritual theology to elements of Mariology. It seems that today's experts in Mariology perceive a need for turning to spirituality to a larger extent than spiritual theologians do with regard to turning to Mariology. One should also emphasise more that Catholic spirituality is of Marian nature rather than emphasise Marian spirituality as such.

With respect to content-doctrinal Mariological implications for spirituality, the following issues should be given attention to: the Holy Trinity dwelling in man, christoformisation, the work of the Holy Spirit, the grace of the sacraments which are the source and manifestation of spiritual life, spiritual anthropology, the role of the body and the senses in spiritual life, spiritual and mystical experience, as well as conversion and the dynamism of spiritual growth.

The third, practical area of relationship of Mariology to spiritual theology is the placement of spiritual life in the social and ecclesial context. In today's Church in Poland, mariologists and theologians are facing new challenges, for example: the cult of Divine Mercy, the Message of Fatima, the sanctuaries and pilgrimage movement, which are still vibrant, as well as dynamic Christian associations.


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