The Calixtino Codex from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

  • Elisardo Temperán Villaverde Instituto Teológico Compostelano
Keywords: Codex Calixtinus; Liber Sancti Iacobi; Santiago de Compostela; Jacobean Medieval manuscripts; Medieval liturgical manuscripts; Medieval music in Spain; musical fountains of the Middle Ages in Spain; Jacobean Pilgrimage; Camino de Santiago


Calixtinus Codex is an illuminated manuscript from the mid-twelfth century that is kept in the Chapter Archive of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It consists of five books and two appendices, with a total of 225 parchment sheets written on both sides. The first is of a liturgical nature, it contains sermons, hymns, prayers and other texts for the celebration of the festival of St James the Greater. The second is a collection of twenty miracles wrought by the Apostle. The third contains the story of the translation of the remains of St James. The fourth book contains the story of Turpin, Archbishop of Reims, accompanying Charlemagne in the reconquest of northern Spain. The fifth is the oldest guide for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela; it describes the way, people, local customs, churches and works of art. And most of all describes the Santiago Cathedral and the city of Santiago as the pilgrim could see in the twelfth century. A final double Appendix includes other liturgical texts, hymns and musical pieces dedicated to St James the Greater. Although sometimes referred to as Liber Sancti Calixtino – Codex Iacobi, the two concepts are not identical. The Liber Sancti Iacobi represents the contents of the book, a collection of texts related to St James the Greater, which several manuscripts, the most notable of which is the Codex Calixtinus kept in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.


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