Pastoral Priorities of the Church in Poland in the Light of the Apostolic Exhortation of Evangelii Gaudium

  • Wiesław Śmigiel
Keywords: pastoral priorities; pastoral programme; pastoral conversion; missionary conversion; evangelization; new evangelization; Evangelii Gaudium


Evangelii Gaudium, an apostolic exhortation, has a pastoral character and it may be regarded as the manifesto of Pope Francis. The analysis of its content can point to some pastoral priorities which are also present in the Polish reality. The novelty of the exhortation is a vocation to the missionary transformation of the Church, also known as a pastoral conversion. This conversion involves the separation from the beaten track of the redeeming activity and the brave quest for new solutions in order to spread the Good News to those who are on the periphery of the Church. Among the priorities of the pastoral ministry of the Church in Poland, one can also name the pastoral care of families, as well as of non-sacramental marriages. The joyful proclamation of the Good News for all states in the Church-Community is also an important theme, which teaches and is taught at the same time. Pope Francis gives his due attention to the style of the ministry of evangelization and the preferential option for the poor.


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