Salt of the Earth and Light of the World: Pericope about Tasks of Disciples of Jesus (Mat 5:13-16) in Homilies to Young People

  • Andrzej Krasowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: salt; light; homily; lamp; kerygma; witness; Christ’s disciple


Homilies addressed to young people are difficult but really vital. Word of God has to illuminate this particular stage of human life. Meeting Christ does not only broaden the life horizon but, above all, it does give hope. The article concerns preaching to young people on the basis of excerpts of Sermon of Mount on salt and light. The positive side of homilies is strong priests’ desire to encourage young listeners to become the salt and the light of life. However the focus on man’s attitude makes Jesus Christ be the great absent one in this preaching. In fact it is Him who is truly the Salt of the earth and the Light of the world. Young people are demanding listeners. To burn the fire in their hearts one has to make the homily the light and the fire. The Words, full of Jesus and His Love to a man, are always the Good News. They give the guarantee that the fire in young hearts will burn like a candle which sets fire of love in other people’s hearts.


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