“Thematic Unity” of Homily in the Light of Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium

  • Stanisław Dyk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: synthetic homily; thematic homily; synthesis in homily; Mass lectionary; exercised mystery; liturgical year


Pope Francis suggests that contemporary homily should have “thematic unity” and contain “a synthesis of the evangelical message.” It seems that there is a reference to so-called synthetic homily or thematic homily, well-known in the history of the Church preaching. The article presents, in wide perspective, the question of the “thematic unity” of homily. First, it shows the historical development of synthetic homily and ways of understanding it in history. Then, referring to the post-Conciliar Church documents, it justifies the need to give the homily “thematic unity,” and shows the principles of choice of topic of the homily. As the chief criterion is indicated here the system of the Mass Lectionary and the exercised mystery of salvation. The cultural, pedagogical and theological arguments in favor of “thematic unity” of homily are also indicated.


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