Rev. Mieczysław Rusiecki’s Research-Didactic Work

  • Jarosław Czerkawski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: history of catechesis; education; values; academic achievements; responsibility


The Church constantly forms and educates. This task is a fulfillment of Christ’s order of carrying out the mission; and Christ Himself preaching about God’s Kingdom educated and formed people. It should be stressed that the Church performs this task by institutions and people properly prepared to do it. Rev. Prof. M. Rusiecki’s research activity, as well as his life as a man strongly involved in academic work, is inscribed in this current. In the article an attempt is made to present the figure of Rev. Prof. M. Rusiecki as a man full of faith, of academic passion, and one achieving his living aims. His academic achievements contain more than a dozen publications focused on the subject of catechesis, experiencing values, forming them in a man’s life, and on responsibility for education.


Dziekoński S.: Rozwój wychowawczej myśli Kościoła na przestrzeni ostatnich wieków. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW 2004.

Kostkiewicz J.: Pedagogie katolickich zgromadzeń zakonnych. Historia i współczesność. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „Impuls” 2012.

Łabendowicz S.: Formacja katechetów w dokumentach Kościoła i literaturze katechetyczno-dydaktycznej po Soborze Watykańskim II. Sandomierz: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne 1997.

Twardzicki B.: U źródeł katechezy. Podstawowe zagadnienia z katechetyki fundamentalnej i materialnej. Przemyśl: Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej 2011.
