Self-Education in School Catechesis

  • Stanisław Kulpaczyński The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: self-education; catechesis; catechesis teacher; motivation; self-evaluation; home work


The goal of good education is to ad duce the pupil to self-education. Authoritarian education should be transformed in self-education when the role of the educator diminishes as he rather becomes a counselor and friend. Self-educations begins already in the small child (“I myself’). Catechesis should develop faih and responsible Christian life by fulfilling didactic, educational, and initiation (mistagogy) functions. A well-organized catechesis help in the process of self-education by setting up of goals, by diagnosis (self-evaluation), prognosis, selection of projects and ways of their realization. The transition from education to selfeducation requires skills necessary for promoting the activity of each one and the whole group during the catechesis lessons. Sharing the responsibility for the creation of the catechesis lessons with the pupils together with their participation in the evaluation process and their personal home work are helpful in the process of self-education. The theological reason for self-education are Christ’s words: You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48).


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