A Major Ecumenical Challenge in Africa: The Mushrooming of Independent Churches

  • Frederick Omollo Tangaza University College, Nairobi
Keywords: ecumenism; a church in Africa; ecumenical challenges in Africa


This article focuses on Ecumenism as an essential missionary activity and its manifestation in a bid to attain the unity of all Christians. On the other hand, the article underscores the fact that the mushroom escalation of African Independent (Instituted) Churches is a major challenge to ecumenical endeavour in Africa. Africa is a land of promise and yet illusive dreams and illogicalities abound too. Ethnically, religiously and economically, Africa is greatly fragmentized. The redemption of Africa in the line of thought this article explores lies in the formation of an ethos and culture of unity, ecumenical dialogue and the praxis of mutual respect. The article cogently argues that ecumenical interests cover a wide range of activities which have inbuilt unifying mechanisms. Therefore ecumenical collaboration is urgently needed in the areas and issues of common interests like social service, prayer, search for peace and justice in the midst of tribalism, unfairness, building self confidence of marginalized groups in a bid to amend brokenness and fragmentation.


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Human Dignity Journal