The Ethos of God and Man in the Christos Yannaras’ Works
The revelation of the truth about God as Trinity has a direct impact on the identity and condition of the human person. Personhood implies relationship which is inseparably connected with ethos. This article examines the essence of the ethos of God, as He is understood in the Christian tradition, and the ethos of human person created in the image and likeness of God on the basis of the theological thought of the very famous Greek Orthodox religious thinker, Christos Yannaras (born in 1935). The truth that God acts in a personal manner is a very important presupposition for the understanding of the personal identity and ethos of human being. Solely in the relation to God Who is the Trinity of the Most Holy Persons our human ethos can be free from a deceptive vision of existential self-denial and individualistic ethics and morality.
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