The Personalistic Character of the Paschal Christophanies according to Rev. Prof. Edward Kopeć (1918-1999)
The article presents the personalistic character of the Paschal Christophanies according to Fr. Prof. Edward Kopeć, the nestor of fundamental theology in Poland. The topic of discussion was presented in four points: 1. Paschal Christophanies as credible signs of the resurrection; 2. The personal dimension of the appearance of the Resurrected; 3. The personalistic character of recognizing him; 4. Personalistic aspects of the mission, paschal faith and testimony.
Starting from the conviction that the Paschal Christophanies are the most important signs of the credibility of Jesus' Resurrection, Fr. E. Kopeć always treats them as real and objective events and presents their many aspects. Above all, the Paschal Christophanies, similar to the Old Testament theophanies, have a personal character for the Lublin professor. The encounters of the resurrected Lord with his disciples are an expression of interpersonal relationships, which are expressed by the essential elements of the majority of Christophanies, namely: his appearing, recognizing him, and the mission. Kopeć's pioneering development of the Paschal Christophanies in personalist terms correlates with their historical character, which is essential for demonstrating the credibility of Christ's Resurrection.
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