Ethical Principles for Business Activity of Lay Catholics

  • Marek Fiałkowski Pastoral and Catechetic Institute, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: world of business; ethical principals in business; the Church and world of business; Catholic businessman; formation of Catholic businessmen; factors of economic activity


This article presents matters of ethical principles, which Christian businessmen should take up in their business activity, based on the document by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (Iustitia et Pax) entitled “Vocation of the Business Leader: A Reflection” issued in 2012. First, the most important conditions of the economic activity are presented, such as: globalization, new communication technologies, financialisation of the economy, cultural changes, and, in particular, the challenge of individualism, relativity, and utilitarianism. While some of these limit the economic activity that should serve the common good, others open up new opportunities and perspectives for solidarity and the building up of the common good. Additionally, the fundamental ethical principles were described: human dignity and the common good, as well as the six practical principals of business on which they are based.


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