Communion Dimension of the Human Person
Contemporary philosophy and theology includes personal and interpersonal reality of the human being and it has given a new interpretation of the human person. A man reflects the essence of communication and communion of God, which also causes the communication and communion dimension of being a human person. A person is relational and ecstatic. The Old Testament does not apply the concept of communion to the relationship of man and God, and only the Incarnation led to a breakthrough in this respect. The theological concept of a person has developed over a long period of Trinitarian and Christological disputes. The image of God and the relationship between Him and the people had a huge impact on this issue. Contemporary theological anthropology often focuses on the combination of issues connected with the Trinity and communion. On the basis of it not only substantial personology but also relational personology developed. There was a significant effect of dialogical personalism, which also marked the theology of communion, on the basis of which you can work out a communion vision of the human person.
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