To Listen—to Ponder—to Respond: Towards a Responsorial Psalm Dynamic

Keywords: responsorial psalm, the Council’s reform of the liturgy, the role of the Bible in the liturgy, the active participation of all the faithful


The purpose of this article is to define the nature and meaning of the responsorial psalm, which is a new element in the liturgy of the Mass since the renewal of the Second Vatican Council. The basic research problem is to what extent the responsorial psalm shows, in liturgical practice, an implementation of the fundamental principles of the Council’s reform of the liturgy. Therefore the following criteria for liturgical renewal were analyzed in the context of the psalm: emphasis of the role of the Bible in the liturgy; appreciation of singing as an essential part of sacred activities; the active participation of all the faithful; and diversity of liturgical ministries. The entire article is set against the background of the history and theology of changes in this element of the liturgy.


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