From “Open Anthropology” to “Human Christology”. Selected Aspects of Maurice Zundel’s Philosophical and Theological Reflection

Keywords: Maurice Zundel, anthropology, identity of man, God, Jesus Christ, trinitarian community


The works of the Swiss theologian Maurice Zundel (1897-1975) are rich and diverse. To a large extent they are unknown and uncommented on, especially in non-francophone countries. In addition to a philosopher and theologian, he is seen as a spiritual master, mystic, poet in love with the beauty of the liturgy, retreatist, and apologist for the Christian faith. His entire writing legacy contains anthropological reflections that are still relevant despite the time that has passed. This article constitutes an attempt to offer an introduction to Zundel’s anthropology perceived in a broadest sense. The text consists of three parts. In the first one, the context for Zundel’s philosophical and theological reflection is outlined, in which he specifies anthropological criteria. The entirety of Zundel’s contemplation is focused around two questions: about man (quel homme?) and about God (quel Dieu?), and in such an order: from man to God. The principles of the so-called “open anthropology” are then presented, referring to such terms as alterité, intériorité and relation, or to expressions concerning man: from a “prefabricate” to “person.” The third part is an attempt to understand anthropological principles within the context of the divine revelation: God and man in their mutual relationship, the importance of Jesus Christ and the whole trinitarian community in the process of getting to know the identity of man.


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