Christian Understanding of the Human Person in the Perspective of African Cultures

Keywords: Christian anthropology, Igbo culture, Nri myth, relationality, Joseph Ratzinger, Richard Niebuhr, John Mbiti


The article attempts to present a few perspectives from African cultures on the Christian understanding of man. The central thesis argued for is that the interpenetration of the universalizing Christian culture and the particularizing cultures of indigenous peoples need not always breed tensions of values. As always, there are common entry points for harmonization which facilitates evangelization in view of those salvific fruits which `grace' always offers to `nature'.

It can thus be clear from the above that my overall aim in this article is to show how the African cultural perspectives on the being of man shapes the reception of the Christian gospel about the human person as redeemed by Christ. To be sure, the key questions to which this article responds present themselves as follows: In what light does the Christian understanding of human person appeal to the African? In other words, what is the African perspective of the being of man and how does it influence the African's understanding of the Christian gospel of the redeemed humanity? Structurally, the article consists of three sections: First I shall present several entry points to the understanding of the human person, besides the chosen two perspectives — Christian and African — which we wish to harmonize. Next, I shall highlight the key principles which inform Christian anthropology on the one hand; as well as a few cultural generalities which are descriptive of a typical African anthropology. Finally, I try to present selected `anthropological' elements which highlight comparisons and divergences between Christianity and African cultures.


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