A Personal Meditation on the Cultural Ecumenism of the Romanian Orthodox Immigrants in Western Europe
Migration of peoples is a phenomenon whose existence is lost in the mist of history. People have always traveled from one country to another for political, economic, social, cultural, climatic or demographic reasons, and the story continues also today. The intention of this essay is not to analyze the migration of the Orthodox Romanians from a strictly historical or sociological perspective, because numerous scientific studies have already been written on this topic, but rather to understand their process of soul alienation. Therefore, after making a mention of the social and economic evolution of Western society by moving from one system of philosophical values to another, which practically marked its thinking and development, I will try to explain the versatility of the Romanian Orthodox in terms of their desire for material prosperity, by assuming the culture of the capitalist economy, with the risk of giving up even only apparently the values inherited by birth and Christian tradition.
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