On the Development of the Mariological Thought and Marian Devotion of Pope Saint John Paul II. Marian Doctor of the Church?

  • William A. Thomas Newman College, Ireland
Keywords: John Paul II, Mariological thought, Marian devotion, Fatima, true devotion to Mary


The complexity of Mariology is such that it can only be described by typology or by relationships. Pope Saint John Paul II develops both of these methodologies in dealing with the role of the Virgin Mary as Mother of the Church, a personal Mother to each human being and Mother of the Word Incarnate. This short paper looks at some of the writings and footnotes which are contained therein which show his love of certain Fathers of the Church such as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. In addition to the documents of the Second Vatican Council the Holy Father draws on these two great Saints and devotees of the Blessed Virgin in order to develop a Mariology and devotion suitable for the modern world. Francisco Suarez S.J who developed the systematic approach to Mariology is sidelined by Pope John Paul II in favour of Saint Louis de Montfort and with this approach he is able to bring the study of Mary to a new level where She will be known and loved.


Augustine, saint. De Santa Virginitate. Genazanno: Augustinian Publications, 2010.

Bernard of Clairvaux saint. Assumptionis Sermo Opera (vol. V) (Cistercian Fathers Series 68), Monastic Sermons, Liturgical Press Collegeville, 2016, 241: Sermon 68.

Bernard of Clairvaux, saint. De Laudibus Virginis Matris, Opera V (Opera Omnia) Sermon IV, Von Hornbostel. Martinus Nijhoff, 1975.

Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words. 19th ed. Edited by Louis Kondor. Fatima: Fundacao Francisco E Jacinta Marto, 2014.

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John Paul II. Apostolic Letter to the Montfortian Fathers (January 13, 2004).

John Paul II. Crossing the Threshold of Hope. Interview of the Pontiff by Vittorio Messori. Random House Publishers, 1994.

John Paul II. Apostolic Letter on the Rosary (October 16, 2002).

John Paul II. Encyclical “Redemptoris Hominis” (March 4, 1979).

John Paul II. Encyclical “Redemptoris Mater” on the occasion of the Marian Year (March 25, 1987).

John Paul II. Gift and Mystery. Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1992.

Louis de Montfort, saint. Works. London: Burns Oates and Washbourne, 1937.

Louth, Andrew. The Apostolic Fathers. London: Penguin Classics, 1987.

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Vatican Council II. Dogmatic constitution “Lumen Gentium” (21 November, 1964).
